Whether in the case of men and women, laser hair removal is never truly permanent. Laser hair removal merely stops hair growth in unwanted regions for a specific period of time.
If you are looking for permanent hair removal solutions, we have the best in class laser hair removal treatment at Welona Slimming Skin and Hair Clinic, Chennai. We use the fastest and best laser in the market, The Gentle Yag Candele machine, an FDA approved laser hair reduction machine. It not only removes hair, but treats veins and pigmentation caused due to any damage. Using this powerful laser hair removal equipment, we ensure that our patients receive satisfactory results.
The Gentle Laser Hair Removal Products from Candela target the hair follicle with laser energy, destroying it at its root while preserving the surrounding skin:
Laser energy is delivered through a small handpiece operated by your practitioner. The laser delivers an .intense beam of light, which is absorbed by the hair follicle and converted to heat. The heat damages the hair follicle while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. Your skin may be red immediately following the procedure. This typically Lasts from a few minutes to several hours after the procedure.
Gentle Hair Removal treatments use a patented Dynamic Cooling DeviceTM (DCDTTM). which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen just milliseconds before the laser pulse. DCD helps ensure that Gentle Hair Removal treatments are as comfortable as they are effective.
Avoid sun exposure at least two weeks before treatment. Do not bleach, pluck or wax 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatment. Wait for tanned skin to fade before beginning treatment.
Treatment times may vary depending on your specific needs. Hair growth is reduced after each treatment and the number of treatments required will be based on your hair color and type, body area and skin tone.
Whether in the case of men and women, laser hair removal is never truly permanent. Laser hair removal merely stops hair growth in unwanted regions for a specific period of time.
The cost of laser hair treatment in any city depends upon the area being operated, the associated consultation and the base rate of the clinic itself. Get in touch with clinics to know more
There exist a range of lasers that differ based on the mode of laser generation, such as Nd: YAG and IPL lasers. Different lasers are better suited for different skin types.
Yes, certain clinics do offer whole-body laser hair removal for their patients. However, it is only performed under specific conditions after thorough consultation with experts.
If your underarm hair is cumbersome to the point of causing discomfort, then you can indeed opt to have your underarm hair removed by laser treatment. It is a clean and efficient method, performed by trained professionals.
To some extent, laser hair removal treatment can help with reducing ingrown hairs by eradicating the ingrown hair follicles by laser. Consult your specialist to know more about the possible effectiveness of this technique in your case.
Laser hair removal is quick and efficient and typically gets over within a single session at the clinic. In some cases, multiple sessions may be required, spanning a few hours. Your specialist will inform you of the duration of the procedure beforehand.