Delete Policy

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At Welona , we are committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with control over your data. If you wish to have your account and associated data removed from our database, you can request deletion by following the procedure outlined below.

Deletion Process:

Submit a Deletion Request:

To initiate the deletion process, please submit a formal deletion request. You can do so by sending an email to [Your Deletion Request Email Address] with the subject line “Account Deletion Request”.


For security purposes and to ensure that the deletion request is legitimate, we may require you to verify your identity. Please provide any necessary information or documentation requested to facilitate the verification process.


Once your identity has been verified, we will confirm receipt of your deletion request and proceed with the deletion process.

Deletion Timeframe

Upon confirmation of your deletion request, we will deactivate your account and associated data from our database within 30 days.

Data Retention

Please note that certain data may be retained in accordance with our legal obligations or for legitimate business purposes, such as resolving disputes, enforcing our terms and conditions, or preventing fraud.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our delete policy or wish to request deletion of your account, please contact us at 044-4011-4444.

Thank you for choosing Welona.