Best rhinoplasty chennai
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According to ISAPS, in the year 2019, more than 24 million people got cosmetic surgery done across the world. These include both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Breast augmentation, Liposuction, Eyelid Surgery, Abdominoplasty, and Rhinoplasty are the top five procedures. Rhinoplasty accounts for 7.2% of overall surgeries and is the most popular among 18 years and below. 

The data explains that undergoing elective surgeries to enhance human physical appearance is a global phenomenon. Also, cosmetic surgeries are not limited to any particular country, age group, or community. The desire to look great is probably an interesting equalizer across the globe. And, rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures people opt for to enhance their appearance.   

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, mainly referred to as nose job or nasal reshaping surgery, is a plastic surgery treatment that changes the shape of your nose and improves the functions of the nose. Various nose problems are corrected using rhinoplasty, such as saddle nose, flat nose, broad nose, humped nose, crooked nose, short or long nose, and so on. Anyone with such issues can consider going for cosmetic rhinoplasty. The treatment works around two nose sections of your nose; namely, the upper is bone, and the lower is cartilage.

You should visit the best dermatology clinic in Chennai that has experts doing rhinoplasty. The doctors will go through your medical history and let you know if you need to for this treatment or not. After getting a sense of the procedure, risks, and recovery time, you can make an informed decision.   

Who Should Get a Rhinoplasty? 

Not everyone needs to get a Rhinoplasty. Many things are required to be understood before going through the change in your face. A good dermatologist in Chennai will help you take stock of different features of your face. They will also take a detailed report of your body before undergoing the nose job or rhinoplasty. However, there are two primary reasons why you should go through the procedure. They include: 

Breathing Issues

A differently structured nose can help with breathing issues. It includes surgeries such as straightening of the bridge, fixing the nostril size, and so on.

Aesthetic purposes

People also undergo rhinoplasty to enhance their appearance. Some of the other outcomes of rhinoplasty include changing the size, changing the angle of the nose, reshaping the nose tip, and so on. 

That said, a Rhinoplasty expert in Chennai will first run some medical tests and see if you are a candidate for the surgery. As a thumb rule, if you look to undergo this procedure only for aesthetic purposes, you should ideally wait until the bone is completely grown.  

Procedure of Rhinoplasty

It is a procedure that can be done both in a hospital or an outpatient facility. It is important to remember that you might require general anesthesia. Though it is a fairly straightforward procedure, you must know that you might feel numbness in your entire face even with local anesthesia as you go through it. Some of the course includes:

The process would require the doctor to cut the inside of your nostrils and then reshape it based on the requirement. The process could take about a couple of hours, but know that it is also a treatment where you go under the knife. So you must ensure your doctors have information about your entire medical history. Also, listen to what you need to do to prepare yourself for the procedure in advance. 

Results and Outlook of Rhinoplasty

To see the final result, you will have to wait for several weeks. It may even take 6 to 12 months for incision lines to get fully refined. You will be surprised by the fantastic results right after the doctor removes your dressing. However, further refinement in your nasal features will happen over 2 to 4 months. The appearance of your face will perfectly match the way you feel inside, youthful and beautiful. 

Risks Involved in Rhinoplasty

As with any surgery, this one, too, has its own set of risks. These include something from having an inadequate response to anesthesia to a surgery that went wrong. Some of the risks are that you could suffer from nosebleeds, scars, numbness, and worse difficulty with breathing. All of these are risks that you might suffer from. Also, note that any surgery on the nose carries a 10% risk of residual deformity. In any such case, you may have to go for revision surgery. 

Therefore, apart from finding a rhinoplasty treatment center in Chennai, it is essential to research their experts and their reputation. Even better, if you have a recommendation from a well-wisher on who to consult with for this procedure.

Recovery Process  

Given that everything goes well with the surgery, it is very likely that the healing can take a little time. For sure, expect some swelling around the nose and some look of bruising around the eyes. It is mainly during the first week post-surgery. The swelling might continue for a while, depending on how your body is responding to the surgery. 

You can return to work and perform light activity after 4-6 weeks. Doctors typically suggest that you avoid any form of strenuous exercise or activity. It includes things like avoiding swimming, running, blowing your nose, and more. Give your nasal bone and cartilage time to heal before giving it external stress. It will help you heal better and faster. Try and avoid your nose to sun exposure for better results. Your doctor may also prescribe nasal congestion medication for better healing. Just make sure to give your nose the rest it needs at least for about four to six weeks post-surgery.    

Best Clinic In Chennai for Rhinoplasty 

If you are considering nose reshaping for cosmetic or medical purposes but got doubts, contact Welona Skin, Hair and Slimming clinic in Chennai. Our doctors have an excellent success rate in performing rhinoplasty and many happy clients. They will discuss all the options available and suggest the best suitable for your nose reshaping. Contact us now!