Skin Lightening

Uneven skin tone and dark spots can be significant concerns, affecting not just our complexion but also our confidence. Dealing these issues is essential for achieving a brighter, more radiant complexion and enhancing our self-assurance.

This underscores why Welona is dedicated to delivering top-tier skin lightening treatments. Here's a glimpse into our treatments:

Skin Lightening Treatments

Chemical Peel Treatment

A chemical peel, also known as chemexfoliation, utilizes a chemical solution to enhance skin appearance by inducing controlled trauma to the skin layers, prompting eventual peeling and revealing a more youthful complexion.



Inno peel


Ferulac peel

Sesglyco peel

TCA peel

Lactic peel

Cosmelan peel

Laser Toning Treatment

Laser toning utilizes a multi-pass technique to gradually heat and destroy melanosomes while preserving cell integrity, which treats issues such as pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and age spots.

Q-switched lasers stimulate collagen production and target pigment-producing cells, reducing pigmentation without cell destruction.


Noticeable skin improvement after the first session

Advanced technology for effective results

Reduced fine lines

Minimal downtime

Virtually painless procedure.

IV Treatment

IV treatment for skin lightening is an innovative approach to achieving a brighter, more even complexion from the inside out.

Unlike topical treatments, IV therapy delivers a potent blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, nourishing the skin at a cellular level and promoting overall skin health.

At Welona, we offer personalized IV treatment protocols specifically formulated to target hyperpigmentation, dullness, and uneven skin tone. Our expert practitioners administer IV infusions tailored to your individual needs, providing a safe and effective solution for achieving a luminous, radiant complexion.


Noticeable diminished dark spots and uneven skin tone

Promotes a more uniform complexion for a radiant glow

Customized Treatment Plans

Minimal to No Downtime

Professional Expertise

Medi Facial Treatment

Medi facial treatments for skin lightening are advanced skincare procedures designed to effectively reduce hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, and dark spots, revealing a brighter, more radiant complexion.

Unlike traditional facials, medi facials incorporate medical-grade ingredients and specialized techniques to target specific skin concerns with precision and efficacy.

At Welona, we offer personalized medi facial treatments tailored to your unique skin needs and desired outcomes


Visible Hyperpigmentation Reduction

Even Skin Tone

Customized Treatment Plans

0 to no Downtime

Professional Expertise

Free Consultation

Talk to our experts & begin your transformation today