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Paying extra for exotic vitamins in skin creams that promise to erase fine lines and prevent wrinkles will get you little more than an empty wallet. It does not show any results. Although many face creams contain vitamins known as antioxidants, very few are useful in preventing or reversing skin damage. Despite advertising claims, almost all available topical formulations contain deficient concentrations of antioxidants that are not well absorbed by the skin. These are hard-hitting facts that vitamin supplements are not what they are portrayed and have their fair share of downfalls.

As more ageing adults consume supplements, an increasing number of myths have also begun to circulate online. For starters, many people who think that a specific supplement to aid an ailment coupled with a healthy diet provides adequate nourishment for the body. But depending on a few factors, that may or may not be accurate. With so many myths floating around, it is essential to shed light on these misconceptions about vitamins. 

Eating a healthy diet means that you don’t need vitamin supplements

It is valid to a certain extent because a proper healthy diet keeps all the unwanted diseases at bay. Most experts say that if you’re eating healthy food and don’t have an underlying health condition that interferes with your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, then you shouldn’t need to take supplements. The same vitamins and minerals are often available in food most experts say. 

Verdict- eating a proper diet or balanced diet shields you from various diseases but considering the fact that most of the food we eat is a mix of plant and meat, the quality from which they are procured might vary. Today’s population faces another barrier to nutrition that previous generations haven’t, that is, toxicity. So it is not entirely true that a healthy diet provides everything. You can also consult the best skin and hair clinics to know more about the vitamin supplements and how they affect our skins. This will give you a clearer picture of why eating a healthy diet is not the only thing good for your skin. 

If you take iron supplements or multivitamins, it will help you regain your energy.

Lower energy levels may be a sign that you are leading a toxic or unhealthy lifestyle. This case might arise due to chronic depression, sedentary lifestyle or sleep disorders which might affect the whole functioning of the entire body and disrupts the daily activities. In this case, vitamins or supplements will not work. Vitamins cannot act as medicines; they boost your immune system. 

Verdict- Vitamins are meant to be ingested when you are deficient of it or weakness. Vitamins are taken if the person is anaemic, which is caused due to iron deficiency. It is usually taken during a specific defect which is diagnosed by a doctor. 

More intake of supplements increases the effect on the skin

Your body has to process everything that goes in it. It has to digest and absorb the vital nutrients so that it could rejuvenate and vitalise the body and skin. Too much antibiotics harm the body. Too much of anything is just a waste of money and can be life-threatening at worst. Vitamins can be toxic if taken excessively and can harm the entire body if high dosages are taken. It might make the person go for a liver transplant or end up in an ICU ward if the vitamins are taken in a large quantity.

Verdict- Vitamin supplements should be taken in a minimal amount as prescribed by a doctor. The dosages should be regulated and consumed accordingly. Vitamins should be moderately absorbed and not taken excessively in any way.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are harmless

While they are essential to good health, vitamin and mineral supplements are not entirely safe. When they’re taken for too long or their dosage is too high then some vitamin and mineral supplements can accumulate in the body. It might have a harmful effect on your health and skin. Children and older adults are especially at risk of vitamin overdose, as their organs that are responsible for processing and eliminating supplements do not always function to their fullest potential. There are a lot of processed vitamins out there that are way too toxic and can do much harm.

Verdict- It is better to talk to the pharmacist to know about the drug and do detailed research behind it to avoid any adverse or harmful effects. Medications like these don’t go through a rigorous approval process, and they lack consistency. It is essential to check it!

All these myths might lead to confusion and disarray. It is, in fact, essential to take vitamin supplements for your health if you are in a dire need of it.