Dry Scalp Troubles
5 years ago 897 Views

When it comes to the scalp, there are a bunch of similar yet distinct issues that plague it. The similarities lie in the symptoms, which are pretty common across the board. At first glance, it’s easy to mistake one for the other. Digging deeper, we find that each scalp problem is unique in subtle ways. One such issue is a dry scalp.

Understanding A Dry Scalp

Dry scalp is often mistaken for its cousin, dandruff. We’re all familiar with dandruff, as is every hair fall clinic. To be fair, it does share symptoms. But how do you know whether you have dandruff or just a really dry scalp? Here’s how:

As the name suggests, dry scalp occurs when there’s a lack of moisture on your head. Your scalp needs a fair amount of oil to stay healthy. That oil comes from the sebaceous glands, and without it, your skin becomes dry, sensitive and easily irritable.

Like dandruff, your scalp also starts flaking and shedding dead skin, but with a small difference. In a dry scalp, the flakes are almost uniformly small, almost powder-like. 

The causes of a dry scalp are pretty straightforward. You can get it as an extension of skin disease like eczema. It also arises due to an allergic reaction from certain chemicals. Even something as simple as over-washing your hair can irritate your scalp and cause it to flake.

Small, dry flakesIrregular flakes
Irritated skinItchy scalp
Flaking is intermittentFlaking is consistent

Now that we have a clearer picture of what’s behind a dry scalp, let’s take a closer look at how to tackle the issue should you ever face it. After all, it’s a lot more common than you think, and proper care can go a long way in making the symptoms bearable to an extent.

Dry scalp remedies

As we saw earlier, dry scalp can be a real pain. It’s a common complaint among organizations that provide hair loss treatment for men and women. As such, the remedy for it depends on what caused it in the first place. Since there can be any number of triggering factors, a curated approach to treatment is the best way to go about it.

Firstly, identify if it’s dandruff or dry scalp. This is probably the trickiest part of the treatment just because of how similar the two things can be. The treatments vary depending on this diagnosis, so try and single out what the problem at hand is. Take into account other related issues like hair fall & hair breakage. If self-diagnosis isn’t helping, try and consult a skincare/hair fall clinic.

Once you’ve identified it, take stock of the severity of the condition. This helps you ascertain how intensive your treatment methods will have to be. If it’s just a minor inconvenience, with occasional flaking and itching, you can go with simple remedies. It’s best to begin treatment as early as possible, to nip the issue in the bud.

As a start, you can try switching up your diet a little bit. Yes, it does affect flaky scalps. Avoid fried and sugar-laden foods. Increasing your intake of omega fatty acids, minerals and vitamins can help reinforce your hair and scalp’s health.

As a more proactive step, you can change your hair care routine. The one you’re following isn’t doing you any favors, is it? This includes switching to gentler shampoos so that it doesn’t irritate your scalp skin any further. Keep your scalp moisturized with gentle washes if the dryness becomes severe. Also, know when to dial back on the washes if the flaking starts increasing. It’s all about finding that balance for your hair’s ‘ecosystem’ again. To curb the flaking, anti-dandruff shampoos that contain ketoconazole can provide an effective remedy.

Most importantly, if the situation gets aggravated, drop everything and seek professional assistance from a skincare/hair fall clinic. Dry scalp and dandruff can get very painful in some cases, leading to other complications. Consult with experts, and follow their advice and prescriptions for solid results. You will usually be prescribed some scalp lotions, mild shampoo, and vitamin supplements initially, to see how you react to it.

Having a dry scalp is a cumbersome aspect that can scare people into seeking out hair loss treatment. If detected and treated early on, however, the damage it causes can be safely mitigated. If you’re facing these problems, don’t hesitate to drop by at our Welona Clinic for a consultation session, we won’t leave you high and dry!