PRP is a Sure-Shot Solution to Regrow Lost Hair
5 years ago 905 Views

Platelet-Rich Plasma also known as PRP is a non-invasive, non-surgical, effective new way to reduce hair fall and cure balding. Your blood consists of three layers, platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. Your platelet-rich plasma can help regrow your hair when used in the right way. The PRP episode will help induce platelet-rich plasma into the areas where follicles exist in your scalp. 

For this, an injection worth of blood is extracted and processed through a centrifuge machine to separate the blood layers. Then, the platelet-rich plasma is injected into your scalp with a syringe where follicles exist. This leads to hair growth over a period of time where you were balding or losing hair.

This is a professional procedure and there has been a lot of back and forth on if this is effective, but there for any doubts that you may have, know that a lot of clinics are expanding their research on how they can use this technique for other issues with the body. The reasons PRP is really effective are as follows: 

Here are the Sure-Shot Solution

Having said that, if you are embarking on the journey of trying to use this procedure, make sure that you are open with your doctor about your current condition. It is important for the practitioner to know what your ailments are before they can provide an effective solution to your hair loss or balding issues. Know that there could be some side effects, discuss them with your practitioner. Asking questions is not an option, it is your right.

At Welona – Slimming, Skin and Hair Clinic, we the best PRP hair loss treatment in Chennai. Our PRP hair loss treatment is not only cost-effective but is also safe and result-driven. Contact our expert dermatologist and get a consultation.